With the support of:
The two-day international conference aims to contribute to the development of scientists and to bring together the members of the applied mathematics community, interdisciplinary researchers in Physical Chemistry, Physics, Biological Sciences, Engineering Sciences and Technology from all over the nation/world and thus make an essential contribution towards ensuring that science and knowledge contribute to the promotion of a more sustainable environment. The conference addresses achieving sustainable development and application of computational methods, without excluding experimental and theoretical approaches, as means of validation. The conference will cover various computational methods, form macro to nano scales, using continuum or discrete mechanics. It also provides a platform for scientists and engineers to meet in a relaxed environment to discuss new ideas and developments, as well as a good opportunity for young scientists and engineers to explore the art of computational methods and future perspectives
The three-day workshop aims to promote the advancement of applicable mathematics in various fields of Computational Data Science, Introduction to Scientific Computing and Applications, Partial Differential Equations and Data Science as well as Biostatistics, and create an environment to foster interdisciplinary research between the members of the STEM disciplines from all over the world. This will further sensitize younger researchers in applicable mathematics on the prospects and value of collaborative research in the scientific community. The training sessions during this workshop will provide perspectives on foundational principles, highlight relevant examples and help in bridging the gap between theory and practice.