An optimal control intervention for the interrelated dynamics of TB transmission in humans and animals amidst seasonal flux

27 May 2024, 16:35
AFRIGIST, Main - Conference Hall (OAU Campus, Ile-Ife, Nigeria)

AFRIGIST, Main - Conference Hall

OAU Campus, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Road 1, O.A.U Campus


James Akingbade (University of Ilorin)


Tubercuosis(TB)is a global health concern,affecting both humans and animals.This paper
provides a dynamic model to anayze the complicated dynamics of tuberculosis transmission,
taking into account human animal interactions and a saturated incidence rate with seasonal
changes.Furthermore,the model accounts for the efficiency of measures targeted at reducing the
spread of tuberculosis(TB).This study intends to give insights into the intricate interpay
between TB transmission patterns,seasonal changes,and the efficacy of control measures by
combining epidemiological concepts with ecological dynamics.The study uses simulation and
analysis to support targeted intervention techniques and policy decisions for reducing tubercuosis
transmission in a shared human-animal habitat.When both control measures are taken,the
alpha parameter,which represents awareness among the general public,increases,the KEa
parameter,which represents efficacy of drugs,increases, and the beta and b parameters decrease,
and the population of infectious individuals decreases vj=0,R0=2269426314,when
vj=0.5,ba=0.05 and βh=0.04,R0=0575348645 and when
v1=1.1,v2=1.5,ba=0.05 and βh=0.001,R0=0.001144038597).It is seen that increased
awareness among the general public and the efficacy of therapy will subsequently prevent cases of
infection at the end of the control program. It is concluded that public awareness and the
efficacy of therapy should be incorporated into the control program for an optimal control
strategy for TB infection to be curtailed in the hosts.
Keywords:Seasonal variations,TB spread,diverse populations,interconnected dynamics,and
combined control techniques.

Primary author

BENJAMIN AINA PETER (Kampala International University)


James Akingbade (University of Ilorin)

Presentation materials